Boat Parts Request in Raleigh, NC
Our service department can help you find the parts you need for any of the following brands that we proudly specialize in and partner with: Malibu, Axis, Bennington, Yamaha, Indmar, and PCM.
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Where is my Boat VIN (Serial Number) or HIN (Hull ID Number) located?
- You will find the HIN located on the Starboard Aft of the boat. Meaning the Right side of the transom (Rear) of the boat. The HIN tells you who manufactured the boat and when it was built, along with the specific serial number of the boat.
Where is my Engine VIN (Serial Number) located?
- For outboard engines, you will find your boat engine serial number and model number on the transom mount of the engine. Depending on the model, you may need to tilt the engine up and/or turn the steering wheel to get a good view. All info on the starboard and port side is needed. For Inboard outboard engines, you will find engine info on top of the engine and outdrive numbers on outdrive units. For Inboard engines, you will find info on top of the engine or on side of the engine block.
How do I find my current engine hours?
- Inspect the engine for an installed hour meter. The meter can usually be found above the engine or somewhere around the steering area of the boat. The numbers on the meter show how many hours the engine has been in use. Engines built in the last 20 years will store the hours on the engine computer and can be read via the gauge or a diagnostic computer.